Showing 76 - 100 of 325 Results
Letters. Now First Published from the Original MSS. at Madresfield Court, With an Introduction by Marlborough Sarah Jennings ... ISBN: 9781313506120 List Price: $23.95
Duchess Sarah , Being the Social History of the Times of Sarah Jennings, Duchess of Marlboro... by Colville, Olivia Spencer-Ch... ISBN: 9781407685267 List Price: $30.95
Letters of Sarah : Now First Published from the Original Manuscripts at Madresfield Court wi... by Sarah Jennings Churchill Ma... ISBN: 9781245333627 List Price: $24.75
True Copy of the Last Will and Testament of Her Grace Sarah, Late Duchess Dowager of Marlbor... by Marlborough, Sarah Jennings... ISBN: 9781245553476 List Price: $18.75
Act of Deceit : Book 2 of the Sarah Woods Mysteries by Jennings, Jennifer ISBN: 9781470155124 List Price: $8.50
Letters : Now First Published from the Original MSS. at Madresfield Court. with an Introd by Marlborough, Duchess Of Sar... ISBN: 9781290215169 List Price: $23.95
Opinions of Sarah, Duchess-Dowager of Marlborough Published from Original Mss by Marlborough, Duchess Of Sar... ISBN: 9781290310390 List Price: $22.95
True Copy of the Last Will and Testament of Her Grace Sarah, Late Duchess Dowager of Marlbor... by Marlborough, Duchess Of Sar... ISBN: 9781290333252 List Price: $22.95
Political Women: Being Biographical Notices Of Anne De Bourbon, The Duchess De Longueville, ... by Mrs. Elizabeth Stone ISBN: 9781274288202 List Price: $32.75
Letters by Sarah Jennings Churchill Ma... ISBN: 9785518594920 List Price: $49.95
The New Metamorphoses: A Lexicon by Pat Harrigan, Matt Gray, Ma... ISBN: 9781490313344 List Price: $9.99
Medieval Pottery in the Yorkshire Museum by Sarah Jennings ISBN: 9780905807041
Party to Be Fit : How to Sculpt Your Perfect Body with Dance Fitness by Morpaw, Jennifer, Burke, Sa... ISBN: 9781491013267 List Price: $19.95
Appetite for Revenge : (Sarah Woods Book 7) by Jennings, Jennifer ISBN: 9781499500462 List Price: $8.50
Duchess Sarah: Being the Social History of the Times of Sarah Jennings, Duchess of Marlborou... by Olivia Spencer-Churchill Co... ISBN: 9781289574673 List Price: $38.75
Private Correspondence of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, Illustrative of the Court and Times... by Marlborough, Sarah Jennings... ISBN: 9781462298242 List Price: $49.99
Private Correspondence of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, Illustrative of the Court and Times... by Marlborough, Sarah Jennings... ISBN: 9781462298235 List Price: $49.99
Sarah Woods Mystery Series (Books 1-3) by Jennings, Jennifer ISBN: 9781483972541 List Price: $14.50
Private Correspondence of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough: Illustrative of the Court and Times... by Sarah Jennings Churchill Ma... ISBN: 9781297557545 List Price: $28.95
Private Correspondence of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough: Illustrative of the Court and Times... by Sarah Jennings Churchill Ma... ISBN: 9781297538926 List Price: $29.95
An Account of the Conduct of the Dowager Duchess of Marlborough, from Her First Coming to Co... by Sarah Jennings Churchill Ma... ISBN: 9781354685020 List Price: $26.95
Duchess Sarah, Being the Social History of the Times of Sarah Jennings, Duchess of Marlborou... by Colville, Olivia Spencer-Ch... ISBN: 9781354695418 List Price: $29.95
Private Correspondence of Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough : Illustrative of the Court and Time... by Marlborough, Sarah Jennings... ISBN: 9781295785179 List Price: $36.75
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